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Email protection


BTCJACK is extremly  committed towards protecting the privacy of its users when using personal data such as emails and other forms of data. BTCJACK observes the all data protection guidelines. These data protection provisions apply to all services offered on the websites operated by BTCJACK such as the newsletter and contact us but not from pages belonging to other providers to which the website may link. In this respect, the data provision conditions of the relevant provider shall apply.


We would like to inform you about the way we collect and use data. By accessing and using the Website, you expressly declare that you approve of the following data protection provisions such as when signing up for our weekly newsletter or sending us a message through  contact us. At any time, you have the right to stop recieving emails from us by unsubscibing from the newsletter.


Once you have unsubsribed you will be unable to recieve emails from the email that you unsubscribed from and will need to use a different email if you choose to recieve further newsletters in the future.


BTCJACK will never sell your information to a third party and all our information is kept strictly confidential in our encrypted database.Only authorised personell have acces to this information and will no be used for spam , solicitation or any other forms of advertising other than advertised on the website.


You have the right to request information about any of your data that BTCJACK has stored, as well as their origin and recipient and the use that it was intended for .If you have any questions about data protection or if you wish to change,  delete your profile or any of your personal data, or if you would like to revoke a granted authorization regarding the use of your customer data or e-mail address, please contact us at the following email and also provide your username and or your email address:



© Copyright BTCJACK 2014 – 2016. All rights reserved.

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